Monday, January 13, 2014

Technology vs Family Time

Technology has been both a godsend and a burden on our marriage.  You see, my husband (DH) and I met online a long long long time ago before the internet was a scary place, back in 1999/2000, and we met in person in 2005 and were married in 2011.  Without the internet, without technology, I would have never met the man that I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. 

Technology made it possible for me to get married half way across the country, and still allow my family to watch it via a live stream.  It has also made it possible for the majority of our family to seemingly get to know our son through videos and photos, while we live 2,500+ miles away.

Although, however good, it has caused our family to sometimes seem out of reach. My husband finds it easy to disappear and play on the computer for hours a day, I find it easy to put on a headset and play video games or play around on Facebook for endless hours. 

That is why we've implemented a new rule in our house.  DH works nights, so he isn't available from 10am-6pm every day, he wakes up to help with bedtime and eat dinner, and then we would go our separate ways. Starting last week, we turn off our electronics at 8pm, and we cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie, sit down and work on a project, just talk and be present in each others lives.  Technology is a great thing for the world to have, but it seems as if it's gotten in the way.

Have you tried leaving your cellphone behind for a day?  Turning off all electronics and having a family time? How has it changed things in your family, good or bad?

If you haven't tried, you should, maybe once or twice a week. 

Unplug and unwind.

Until next time,
Lady Hurricane

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