Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Quick And Powerful Snack Blend For Those On The Go Moments

Nuts are a huge part of my family's diet.  We love to snack on them or incorporate them into our main meals.  While they are a favorite in our home, I know that there are a lot of people out there who cannot enjoy the health benefits of them due to allergies.  But I want to draw attention to an alternative that can be used as a replacement in trail mixes, peanut butter, etc. and not only is this food item packed with amazing health benefits and nutrients, they are also SO much cheaper than nuts!    
That's right, I'm talking about seeds!  I first learned about how you could switch out nuts for seeds a few years ago when I was a nanny for a family of three boys.  The youngest had a severe nut allergy and so I learned how to be extremely cautious when feeding the boys and reading every single label out there so (A) would be safe and still be able to enjoy delicious food.  Yes, it is still absolutely possible to eat great and healthy when you have allergies to certain foods.  You just have to learn how to read the labels carefully, know the terms, and not be afraid to ask questions!

Here’s a simple snack idea for those of you moms, dads, and other “I need something quick and healthy to feed myself and kids RIGHT NOW” type of people because let’s face it, we have all been there at one point in time! This blend of seeds is one that I recently began throwing together and storing in jars or snack size ziploc baggies.  I keep baggies in my purse, one in my son’s backpack, in our snack drawers (which I’ll write about in a later post), in the car, just about anywhere that grants easy access to something quick and nutritious so my family can choose something such as that over fast food when we’re hungry.  

In the photo above:
Greek Yogurt, Pepitas (pumpkin seeds), Golden Flaxseed, Sunflower Seeds, and Mini Chocolate Chips.

Here’s the breakdown:

Look for raw, unsalted versions of these seeds and ones without oils added to them.

Pepitas (pumpkin seeds): Vitamin K, B, and E as well as: Copper, Zinc (immune support), Protein, Iron, Magnesium (for your heart), Manganese, Plant Based Omega-3 Fats, and Phosphorous. There have also been studies that show that pumpkin seeds can aid in lowering LDL cholesterol, promote sleep, help with depression, and are good for prostate health among other things!

Raw Sunflower Seeds (shelled):  Vitamin E, Potassium, Protein, Magnesium, and healthy fats, but beware of eating too many at a time because they are high in calories, so moderation is key!

Golden Flaxseed:  These may be tiny, but they pack a mighty punch because of the lignans (may protect against certain types of cancer), Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Fiber, and Protein that they contain.  

Mini Chocolate Chips:  Okay, so there are really no great benefits at all, but I have a major sweet tooth and these little guys are just the burst of sweetness that I need and taste so perfect with this blend of seeds!  If you want to choose a healthier version and still get your “chocolate fix” then replace them with cacao nibs!

Greek Yogurt:  To be honest I don’t like the taste of 0% Greek Yogurt.  I remember the first time I bought Fage and my 18 month old (at the time) son and I tried it.  Haha I wish I could have captured our faces in a photo because my son’s was hilarious and not impressed.  I’m pretty sure mine looked the exact same way as his did :).  Even though it’s a million times better than regular yogurt, it’s just way too sour for me.  So I add in raw honey to help sweeten it up a bit and add in some walnuts or this blend of seeds and voila.  A simple healthier treat/dessert!

While the Greek Yogurt I have pictured isn’t the best (choose Fage when you can) it is still far better than brands such as Yoplait and Dannon.  The reason that the Greek Yogurt I have pictured here isn’t the best is because it has pectin in it.  But regardless, for the most part I love Greek Gods yogurt and when my supermarket is out of Fage, as mine was, I generally grab this brand because I prefer the taste.  When choosing a yogurt, as with every other food item you purchase, read the labels!  This container contains:  Pasteurized Grade A Milk, Cream, Pectin, and Active Cultures (S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidopholus, Bifidobacteriu, and L. Casei).  

*** I am in no way an expert or dietician.  This comes from research, personal knowledge and experience as a previous nanny, babysitter, daycare worker and supervisor.  I’m now a mom who tries her hardest to feed herself and her family food that will benefit them in a positive way.  

***  Seeds can be an awesome replacement, but I do strongly encourage you to make sure that you are not allergic to them before ingesting them, especially if you are allergic to nuts as some times both can set off reactions.

What is one of your favorite on the go snacks?


Lady Sunshine

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